Sunday, April 23, 2006

67 Days

I'm back from an amazing trip to the bay, though I'm feeling a little empty now that everyone is gone and moving on with their lives. But I couldn't have asked for a better birthday, being surrounded by some of the most important people in my life (too many of you weren't there). Somehow the amalgamation of my friends worked perfectly. It's a week that'll sustain me in China. Leah & Havilah, thanks for your gracious hospitality! I am not being superfluous when I tell you that I adore you both.

D-day is a little more than two months away. I'm nowhere near ready. I'm already panicking about the packing process and there are still many things I need to buy and documents to sign and loan officers to contact. PC is sending me more detailed information by the week. It's coming. It's coming fast!


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