Looking Back on 2005
I love end of the year nostalgia. Perhaps it's because I like making lists so much, but I love looking back and remembering all the important things that happened during the year. And this year I'll have to do it without Peter Jennings. But unless something amazing happens to me in the next few weeks, these are the best things to happen to me in 2005.
5. Completing my M.A.
Though this is really only the first step to fulfilling my career dream, I couldn't help but feel excited when I submitted my thesis... and passed my defense. Grad school was an amazing experience, with a few low points but many high points, and now (or as of this coming Friday) I have a degree to show for it!
4. Figuring out what I'll be doing the next few years of my life.
A year ago I was in a panic about what I should do with my life. It was over Christmas break that I decided the Peace Corps might be the experience I needed. When I got back to Ohio I immediately began the application process on a whim, finally turned it in in March and sort of went with it. Sure, it messes up my career track, not letting me begin my PhD program until I'm 29, but I think (I hope) when I look back on my life, serving in the Peace Corps will have been the most amazing thing I ever did. I just hope Central Asia is ready for me...
3. Brody's successful surgery
My nephew had major heart surgery in February, when he was nine months old (my avatar was taken the night before the surgery). The family congregated in Nashville for the operation and waited to see how he'd do. He recovered faster than estimated. It's hard to explain the immediate impact of this surgery, but if you listened to his heart beat before surgery you heard insecure swishing; after surgery his heart beat rhythmically, strong, healthy.
Fairly recent picture of Brody (if you look closely you can see the top of his scar):

2. Oxford, England
I already wrote about this rather extensively a few blogs ago (read about it here), but this trip is easily one of the highlights of my year, and probably of the last few years. I left California feeling overwhelmed and stressed about life and the trip. I came home relaxed, exhilarated, and inspired. Lisa, I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you.
1. Finding Leah
It was probably a couple of nights after I saw her for the first time in 3 1/2 years that I understood the enormous void in my life left by her absence. Getting reacquainted has been humbling, comforting, and healing. It's been amazing to have such an important friend back in my life and is, without a doubt, the best thing to happen to me all year.
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