Saturday, October 08, 2005

Russian Encouragement?

I was sitting at my desk during the class break, letting my mind relax before tackling the second half of the lesson when one of my classmates, who is fluent in Russian, approached me and asked: "Kak pycckuu?" I asked her to repeat the question and figured out she was asking me: How's Russian (coming along for you)? I told her how hard it was and how frustrated I am with the language. And then she asked if I'd ever taken Russian before. I sort of laughed and quickly told her I hadn't, and she told me that she was impressed with my pronunciation and grasp of the grammar. I thought she was kidding at first, but she wasn't. She told me she was sure I'd taken the language before. Her encouragement made my night! Thanks, Nelly!


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Kari said...

Woo hoo, go Angie!


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